School of Business Administration
Shunan Zhao
Title: Associate Professor of Economics
Office: 349 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-3291
Binghamton University, Ph.D. Economics
I am an Associate Professor of Economics at Oakland University. My areas of expertise include applied econometrics and production economics. I received my Ph.D. in economics from the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2017, a B.A. in finance and an M.A. in economics from Zhejiang University. Currently, I serve as an Associate Editor of Empirical Economics.
Teaching interests:
Microeconomics & Empirical Analysis & Statistics
Research interests:
Applied Microeconomics, Production Economics, Applied Econometrics
Research Excellence Award, Oakland University, 2022
SBA Spring/Summer Research Fellowships, School of Business Administration - Oakaland University, 2022
SBA Spring/Summer Research Fellowships, School of Business Administration - Oakaland University, 2021
SBA Spring/Summer Research Fellowships, School of Business Administration - Oakland University, 2020
Journals and Articles:
Hou, Z., Kumbhakar, S., Zhao, S. (2024). Productivity and Efficiency: Do We Need a Bridge? International Journal of Production Economics, 274, 109287.
Malikov, E., Zhao, S., Zhang, J. (2024). A System Approach to Identification of Production Functions with Multi-Dimensional Productivity. Advances in Econometrics, 211-263.
Jia, F., Huang, M., Zhao, S. (2023). Estimation of endogenous firm productivity without instruments: an application to foreign investment. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 135-155.
Malikov, E. , Zhao, S. (2023). On the Estimation of Cross-Firm Productivity Spillovers with an Application to FDI. Review of Economics and Statistics. 105(5), 1207–1223
Huang, M. , Zhao, S. , Pape, A. (2023). Estimating Case-based Individual and Social Learning in Corporate Tax Avoidance. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 85(2), 403-434
Hou, Z. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. (2022). The GMM estimation of semiparametric spatial stochastic frontier models. European Journal of Operational Research. 305(3), 1450-1464
Zhao, S. , Sun, Y. , Kumbhakar, S. (2022). Income and Democracy: A Semiparametric Approach. Econometric Reviews. 41(9), 1113-1140
Huang, M. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. (2022). Decomposition of Output, Productivity and Market Structure Changes. European Journal of Operational Research. 303(1), 422-437
Malikov, E. , Zhang, J. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. (2022). Accounting for Cross-Location Technological Heterogeneity in the Measurement of Operations Efficiency and Productivity. Journal of Operations Management. 68(2), 153-184
Zhao, S. , Jin, M. , Kumbhakar, S. (2021). Estimation of firm productivity in the presence of spillovers and common shocks. Empirical Economics. 60,3135–3170
Kumbhakar, S. , Li, M. , Zhao, S. (2021). Estimation of Technical Change: Direct Semi/nonparametric Approaches. Economics Letters. 199,109734
Zhao, S. , Liu, R. , Shang, Z. (2021). Statistical Inference on Panel Data Models: A Kernel Ridge Regression Model. Journal Of Business And Economic Statistics. 39(1), 325-337
Zhao, S. , Qian, B. , Kumbhakar, S. (2020). Estimation of productivity and markups with price dispersion: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing during economic transition. Southern Economic Journal. 87(2), 666--699
Malikov, E. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. (2020). Estimation of Firm-Level Productivity in the Presence of Exports: Evidence from China’s Manufacturing. Journal Of Applied Econometrics. 35(4), 457--480
Jin, M. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. (2020). Information Asymmetry and Leverage Adjustment: A Semiparametric Varying Coefficient Approach. Journal Of Royal Statistical Society. 183(2), 581-605
Jin, M. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. (2019). Financial Constraints and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing. European Journal Of Operational Research. 275(3), 1139-1156
Malikov, E. , Zhao, S. , Kumbhakar, S. C.(2017). Economies of diversification in the US credit union sector. Journal Of Applied Econometrics. 32(7), 1329-1347
Books and Chapters:
Zhao, S. Jin, M. (2022). Globalization, Innovation, and Productivity. (pp. 1145-1163). Handbook of Production Economics, Vol. II.