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Sheryl Ruszkiewicz

Special Lecturer
Office: 166 Dodge Hall
Phone: 248-370-2739
Email: [email protected]


Teaching at OU since 2012, Sheryl Ruszkiewicz currently teaches WRT 1050 (Composition I) and WRT 1060 (Composition II). In addition to teaching, she is a contributor (along with some of her students) to the Storytelling Diversity website, a Green Bandana Project participant, and a Mental Health First Aider.

Ruszkiewicz's academic interests include oral history/storytelling, community engagement, user experience (UX), content strategy, cognitive psychology, and technical writing. Some of her past projects include coordinating the Oakland University Facing Project, stories of Pontiac’s past/present/future; co-developing C’s the Day, the official game for the annual Conference College Composition and Communication (CCCC); leading technical writing and repair manual service-learning projects with iFixit; publishing an ebook of students' oral history/storytelling projects; and co-creating a zombie augmented reality game (ARG) between a first-year writing class and a business writing class.


M.A. in Literature. Eastern Michigan University.
B.A. in English/Secondary Education. University of Michigan-Dearborn.


WRT 1050 Composition I
WRT 1060 Composition II

Department of Writing and Rhetoric

O'Dowd Hall, Room 378
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2746
fax: (248) 370-2748