Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)


August 4, 2005

Oakland University
Board of Trustees
Finance, Audit and Investment Committee Meeting
August 4, 2005
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business
Presiding: Chair Rex E. Schlaybaugh, Jr.

A.Call to Order - Chair Rex E. Schlaybaugh, Jr.
 Tab 1.Treasurer's Report
Presented by: John W. Beaghan, Vice President for Finance and Administration
 Tab 2.Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Compliance Briefing
Presented by: John W. Beaghan, Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Sarbanes A.doc
 Tab 3.Hotel/Conference Center Selection Process for Development Consulting Services
Presented by: Terry Stollsteimer, Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration
B.Smart Zone Update
 Presented by: Gary D. Russi, President
C.Adjournment and Closed Session - Collective Bargaining
NOTE: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to add or delete agendum items during the meeting and to table or act on any such added item. Any person wishing to address the Board must submit a request to the Office of the Board of Trustees, 203 Wilson Hall, prior to the meeting or to a representative of the Office of the Board of Trustees at the meeting. The request must include the person's name, address and the subject matter. Persons with disabilities who need special assistance should contact the Office of the Board of Trustees at (248) 370-3112